Wednesday, March 19 2025

Dive Sites in bali

Sanur / Nusa Dua

Evironment: Coral reef, slope
Acces: 5 minutes by Car, 10 minutes by Boat
What to see: Any kind of tropical fishes, sometime white tip shark spotted in deeper place.
Condition: Visibility vary from 7 to 15 meters, gentle current, all level of diver are welcome.

Padang Bay

Evironment: Variety of coral reef.
Acces: 1,5 hours by Car, 10 min. by Boat.
What to see: Any kind of tropical fishes, nudibranch, cuttle fish, turtle, white tip reef shark.
Condition: Temperature some time drop till 20°C, mostly good visibility, depth from 5 to 30 m, gentle current, white sand bottom composition.


Evironment: Wall coral reef, slope.
Acces: 2,5 hours by Car, Boat 10 minutes.
What to see: A lot of fishes and small sea alug, variety of coral growth on wall.
Condition: Visibility usually about 7 to 25 m, all level are welcome, depth 5 to 40 m, gentle curent, warm water.


Evironment: Ship wreck (liberty)
Acces: 2,5 hours by car
What to see: Cargo ship wreck, it was drawn on the 1942 (world war II) hited by japanese torpedo.
Condition: Mostly no current, dive start from the shore, 50 meters direct the object, fishes are welcoming you till deeper spot. Visibility are excellent, depth from 5 to 35 m.


Evironment: Wall dive with sandy bottom, wall reef a lot sea fan.
Acces: 3 hours by Car, 45 minutes by Boat.
What to see: Big fishes, barracuda, napoleon, sometime spotted here, rock cod and look property for the pigmy sea horse and sea fan.

Nusa Penida and Lembongan Islands

Evironment: Beautiful healty coral reef, slope, any kind of coral are spotted here
Acces: 1 hour by Boat
What to see: Any kind of tropical fishes, a sunfish sometime spotted during.
August - September, cave dive on other side of the island is enthusiastic penetration.
Condition: Some times strong current, depend on tide time, mostly water are colder than other dive site.
Temperature from 20° to 26°C, vivibility are excellent from 15 to 30 meters.

Gili Tepekong

Evironment: A different reef are spotted in this area, very colorfull coral.
Acces: 1,5 hours by Car, 20 minutes by Boat.
What to see: Mostly big fishes are spotted here, white tip shark, bumphead parrot fish, tuna, jack fish and others.

Source : Batara Waterspot

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