Menjangan Island

Located approximately 76 kilometers west of Singaraja City. To reach the island the tourists had to take a motorized boat (boat) about 30 minutes from Labuhan thatch.

Deer island is a small island with no inhabitants with an area of ​​approximately 175 acres consisting of coral, rocks and volcanic rocks of black volcanic soil. True to its name this island formerly known menjangannya (Cervus timorensis). This island offers the potential beauty of the surrounding sea is very suitable for recreational activities and water sports such as: Snorkeling and Scuba Diving.

The natural beauty of underwater is very interesting because we can find coral reefs and marine flora and fauna are colorful. With a calm sea conditions and very stunning panoramic bay. Underwater life that is very charming with a variety of marine ornamental fish species which are found only in some regions in the world. Nearly 59% of Indonesian ornamental fish export value comes from the island of Menjangan.

At a depth of 2 to 3 meters around the Island there are deer sea reef complex which is a steep wall hinggga 50meter depth. Foreign divers from the waters of Pulau Menjangan meyatakan that one area that is very interesting to conduct dives for fish species and coral sea hiasnya form a very varied landscape. State of sea water is calm Menjangan Island diving is a good area and is one of the most comprehensive marine parks in Bali

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