Shortcut yang Tersembunyi di Windows
Ctrl + Shift + Esc : task manager
Num Lock + * : open all sub-folder in windows explorer
Backspace : back
Shift + F10 : menu properties
Shift + Tab : up one level
F1 : help
F2 : rename
F3 : find universal
F4 : move to address bar
F5 : refresh

Alt + F4 : close window universal
Alt + Enter : full screen & right click, properties
Alt + Space : menu
Alt + Tab : change display – easier
Alt + Esc : change display – harder
Windows key + D : minimize & maximize window
Windows key + E : windows explorer
Windows key + F : find universal
Windows key + L : lock windows
Windows key + M : minimize all windows
Windows key + R : run
Windows key + U : utility manager
Windows key + Pause/Break : system properties
Ctrl + A : select All
Ctrl + C : copy
Ctrl + D : delete
Ctrl + E : find in window
Ctrl + F : find universal
Ctrl + H : history
Ctrl + I : favorite
Ctrl + R : refresh
Ctrl + S : save
Ctrl + V : paste
Ctrl + W : close window
Ctrl + X : cut
Ctrl + Z : undo
Ctrl + Esc : start menu
Shortcut yang di ketik di run
- access.cpl = accessibility options
- appwiz.cpl = add or remove programs
- desk.cpl = display properties
- firewall.cpl = windows firewall
- hdwwiz.cpl = add hardware wizard
- ImageDrive.cpl = nero image drive
- inetcpl.cpl = internet properties
- intl.cpl = regional and language options
- joy.cpl = game controllers
- main.cpl = mouse properties
- mmsys.cpl = sounds and audio devices poperties
- ncpa.cpl = network connections
- netsetup.cpl = network setup wizard
- nusrmgr.cpl = user accounts
- odbccp32.cpl = odbc data source administrator
- powercfg.cpl = power options properties
- QuickTime.cpl = quick time settings
- sysdm.cpl = system properties
- telephon.cpl = location information
- timedate.cpl = date and time properties
- tweakmanager.cpl = winguides tweak manager
- wscui.cpl = windows security center
- wuaucpl.cpl = automatic updates
- S32LUCP1.CPL = liveupdate configuration
- Adobe Gamma.cpl = adobe gamma
- sapi.cpl = speech properties
- MLCFG32.CPL = mail
- sqlslic.cpl = choose licensing mode
system properties pake windows+pause/break
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